Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Day 2: Deciding WHY

Start small and go day by day. It is interesting how this time of the year brings so many promises and so much hope for change. People are driving to take the bull by the horns and really implement permanent lasting change. We gear up and tell ourselves that this time it`ll be different. This time we will honour the promises we make to ourselves and with determination and hope we forge forward but often times without a real plan or a road map. I realize the reason I opted not to make resolutions again all those years ago. I didn`t want to fail, I wanted to succeed and I lacked the tools to ensure success.
Looking back I realize that I did in fact lack the tools to ensure that my resolve would be life-changing. I am happy that today that reality is different and that what I have learned in the last two decades has given me the tools and power to command lasting change and every day just gets better and better. It`s a process not an event. The first step is to truly decide the WHY.
I have come to realize that getting what we want is never the hard part it`s knowing what we want and more importantly knowing WHY you want it. My resolve this year my WHY, has come as a result of recognizing that life is in fact too short to settle for less than what we are capable of. Accepting conventional thoughts that feed our insecurities and our limitations have been such a driving force for so long that we are immune to them. Much of what we encounter in our day to day lives feed those insecurities and keep us in our limitations. They don`t have to and in truth they shouldn`t.
So choose today to focus on those outcomes you want and damn any rationalizations that tell you otherwise. Ignore the well meaning but truly inaccurate and wrong assumptions of others. Focus on what you want and WHY you want it and press on with determination. If I had not decided to ignore those WRONG assumptions over 16 years ago my life would've been very different today. In truth my life would've been less magical than it is. The plan for my life and YOURS is just so much greater than you or I could ever even imagine on our own. Live it out loud.

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